Supported Private Driver Methods

dbh->syb_isdead() returns a true or false representation of the state of the connection. A false return value may indicate a specific class or errors on the connection, or that the connection has failed.

$sth->syb_describe() returns an array that includes the description of each output column of the current result set. Each element of the array is a reference to a hash that describes the column.

You can set the description fields such as NAME, TYPE, SYBTYPE, SYBMAXLENGTH, MAXLENGTH, SCALE, PRECISION, and STATUS, as shown in this example:

$sth = $dbh->prepare("select name, uid from sysusers");
	my @description = $sth->syb_describe;
	print "$description[0]->{NAME}\n";                 # prints name
	print "$description[0]->{MAXLENGTH}\n";    # prints 30
	etc, etc.
	while(my $row = $sth->fetch) {
Note: The STATUS field is a string which can be tested for the following values: CS_CANBENULL, CS_HIDDEN, CS_IDENTITY, CS_KEY, CS_VERSION_KEY, CS_TIMESTAMP and CS_UPDATABLE, CS_UPDATECOL and CS_RETURN.

See the Open Client documentation.