SSIS Custom Data Flow Destination Component for Faster Data Transfers to Adaptive Server for SQL Server 2012

The Adaptive Server ADO.NET Data Provider distribution includes a SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) Custom Data Flow Destination component that is compatible with SQLServer 2012, which performs faster data transfer using bulk-insert protocol into Adaptive Server Enterprise.

The custom data flow destination component uses the Adaptive Server bulk-insert protocol supported by the AseBulkCopy class. This component, named Sybase.AdoNet4.AseDestination.dll, is installed along with the Adaptive Server ADO.NET Data Provider in %SYBASE%\DataAccess\ADONET\dll on 32-bit systems and %SYBASE%\DataAccess64\ADONET\dll on 64-bit systems.

See the ESD #5 section New SSIS Custom Data Flow Destination Component for Faster Data Transfers to Adaptive Server for the version of the Custom Data Flow Destination component that was compatible with SQLServer 2008.
Note: The SSIS destination component for data transfers from SQL Server 2008 has been renamed from Sybase.AdaptiveServerAdoNetDestination.dll to Sybase.AdoNet2.AseDestination.dll.