UNIX named sockets

This feature provides support for UNIX named sockets in Open Client and Open Server. This type of socket is also referred to as a UNIX domain socket.

This feature allows the use of UNIX named sockets for faster intrahost communication since the TCP stack does not need to be traversed for interprocess communication. To enable this feature, add entries to the directory service layer, specifying afunix instead of tcp for the transportation type.

For example, a traditional interfaces file entry may look as follows:


master tcp unused myhost 8600
query tcp unused myhost 8600

To use UNIX named sockets instead of TCP for local clients while still using TCP for remote, the above entries become:


master afunix unused //myhost/tmp/MYSERVER.socket
query afunix unused //myhost/tmp/MYSERVER.socket
master tcp unused myhost 8600
query tcp unused myhost 8600