New SkipRowCountResults connection property for Adaptive Server ODBC Driver

The SkipRowCountResults connection property can be used to control how the ODBC Driver treats statements that return row count results. UPDATE, INSERT and DELETE statements return row count results. SELECT statements return result sets. An ODBC application may execute a batch of statements that uses a mix statements returning row counts or result sets.

When SkipRowCountResults is set to 1 (the default), the Adaptive Server ODBC Driver skips any row count results. After executing a batch of statements using SQLExecDirect or SQLExecute, the ODBC application is positioned on the first result set. Subsequent calls to SQLMoreResults will skip over row count results and the application is positioned on the next available result set.

When SkipRowCountResults is set to 0, the Adaptive Server ODBC Driver stops at each result set or row count. After executing a batch of statements using SQLExecDirect or SQLExecute, the application is positioned on the first available result which can be either a result set or a row count. The ODBC application can use SQLFetch to retrieve a result set or SQLRowCount to retrieve the row count results. Subsequent calls to SQLMoreResults will position the application to the next available result, which can be either a result set or row count.