bcp syntax changes

As illustrated below, two arguments, --colpasswd column_name password and --keypasswd key_name password, are added for the bcp utility to obtain decrypt permissions for encrypted columns:

bcp ...
      [--colpasswd [[[db_name.[owner].]table_name.]column_name
      [--keypasswd [[db_name.[owner].]key_name [password]]]...
      [-m maxerrors] [-f formatfile] [-e errfile]
      [-F firstrow] [-L lastrow] [-b batchsize]
      [-n] [-c] [-t field_terminator] [-r row_terminator]
      [-U username] [-P password] [-I interfaces_file] [-S server]
      [-a display_charset] [-z language] [-v]
      [-A packet size] [-J client character set]
      [-T text or image size] [-E] [-g id_start_value] [-N] [-X]
      [-M LabelName LabelValue] [-labeled]
      [-K keytab_file] [-R remote_server_principal] [-C]
      [-V [security_options]] [-Z security_mechanism] [-Q] [-Y]
      [-x trusted.txt_file]
      [--maxconn maximum_connections] [--show-fi] [--hide-vcc]
      [--colpasswd [[[db_name.[owner].]table_name.]
          column_name [password]]]
      [--keypasswd [[db_name.[owner].]key_name [password]]]
      [--initstring ASE initialization string]

The new arguments enable the bcp utility to bulk copy encrypted columns data (ciphertext) to and from OS files in the decrypted format (plaintext).

--colpasswd column_name password allows you to set passwords for encrypted columns by sending “set encryption passwd <password> for column <column_name>” to ASE. This does not automatically apply passwords to other encrypted columns, even if the second column is encrypted with the same key. You must supply the password a second time to access the second column.

--keypasswd key_name password allows you to set passwords for all columns accessed by a key by sending set encryption passwd <password> for key <key_name> to ASE.


Example 1 To set the password to pwd1 for encrypted column col1:

bcp mydb..mytable out myfile –U uuu –P ppp 
    –-colpassw db..tbl.col1 pwd1

Example 2 To set a prompt to enter the password for encrypted column col1:

bcp mydb..mytable out myfile –U uuu –P ppp 
    –-colpasswd db..tbl.col1
Enter column db..tbl.col1’s password: ***?

Example 3 To read the password for encrypted column col1 from external OS file passwordfile:

bcp mydb..mytable out myfile –U uuu –P ppp 
    –-colpasswd db..tbl.col1 < passwordfile

Example 4 To set the password pwd1 for encrypted column col1 and password pwd2 for encrypted column col2:

bcp mydb..mytable out myfile –U uuu –P ppp 
    –-colpasswd db..tbl.col1 –-colpasswd db..tbl.col2
Enter column db..tbl.col1’s password: ***?
Enter column db..tbl.col2’s password: ***?

Example 5 To set password pwd1 for encryption key key1:

bcp mydb..mytable in myfile –U uuu –p ppp 
    –-keypasswd db..key1 pwd1

Example 6 To set a prompt to enter the password for encryption key key1:

bcp mydb..mytable in myfile –U uuu –p ppp
    –-keypasswd db..key1
Enter key db..key1’s password: ***?

Example 7 To read the password for encryption key KEY1 from external OS file PASSWORDFILE:


Example 8 To set password pwd1 for encryption key key1 and password pwd2 for encryption key key2:

bcp mydb..mytable in myfile –U uuu –p ppp
    –-keypasswd db..key1 –-keypasswd db..key2
Enter key db..key1’s password: ***?
Enter key db..key2’s password: ***?