Client-Library migration samples available

DB-Library to Client-Library migration samples are now available in the following OCS installation directories:

Samples provided are identical to those available on the Sybase World Wide Web page.

The README file provided with the migration samples contains a list of samples available and instructions on how to build them.

The makefile for all UNIX and Linux platforms is available in $SYBASE/$SYBASE_OCS/sample/db2ct.

The makefile for Microsoft Windows is available in %SYBASE%\%SYBASE_OCS%\sample\db2ct.

Note that the Microsoft Windows makefile available on the Web is called “ms.mak”. As a result, the build instructions on Microsoft Windows, as described in the README file, are slightly different.

For further information on the sample migration programs and how to migrate Open Client DB-Library applications to Open Client Client-Library, refer to the Open Client 15.0 Client-Library Migration Guide.