New LDAP Directory Server retry and delay options

Connections or directory lookups to the LDAP Directory Server may be unable to complete due to a hanging or otherwise unavailable LDAP Server.

The Timeout support for LDAP feature in ESD #5 introduced time limits on failed connections or lookups to the LDAP Directory Server.

In ESD #6, this feature is enhanced with retry and delay options that allow you to specify the number of times to retry connections to the LDAP Directory Server, and delays between the retries.

New retry and delay options

The retry option specifies the number of times to retry a search connection to the LDAP Directory Server after the initial attempt fails or times out. The delay option is the number of seconds to wait between a failed and new retry. Both options are set in libtcl.cfg and apply to the designated LDAP Directory Server only, for example:

[DIRECTORY] retry=3 delay=5

By default, both options are 0.