ODBC Driver Version Information Utility

The odbcversion utility displays information about the ODBC driver.


odbcversion -version | -fullversion | -connect dsn userid password


-version – displays a simple numeric version string for the ODBC driver.

-fullversion – displays the verbose version string for the ODBC driver.

-connect dsn userid password – displays the Adaptive Server version and the version of ODBC and OLEDB MDA scripts installed on that Adaptive Server.

Three variables are required with this parameter: dsn, which is the data source name for the Adaptive Server, and the user ID and password used to connect to the Adaptive Server.


Obtains the simple numeric version string of an ODBC driver used to connect to Adaptive Server:

odbcversion -version

The utility returns a numeric version string:


When no parameters are specified, the odbcversion utility displays a list of valid parameters.