Get Data Using the AseDataAdapter Object

The AseDataAdapter allows you to view the entire result set by using the Fill method to fill a DataSet with the results from a query by binding the DataSet to the display grid.

Using the AseDataAdapter, you can pass any string (SQL statement or stored procedure) that returns a result set. When you use the AseDataAdapter, by default all the rows are fetched in one operation. If you want the Provider to use cursors, set the property 'use cursor = true' in your connect string. In that case, a forward-only, read-only cursor is used and after all the rows have been read, the cursor is automatically closed by the Provider. The AseDataAdapter allows you to make changes to the DataSet. When your changes are complete, you must reconnect to the database to apply the changes.

You can use the AseDataAdapter object to retrieve a result set that is based on a join.

Related concepts
AseDataAdapter Class