Deploying Assembly by Running AseGacUtility or AseGacUtility4

Run the AseGacUtility or AseGacUtility4 utility to deploy assembly.

  1. Go to the directory where AseGacUtility or AseGacUtility4 is installed—by default C:\Sybase\DataAccess\ADONET\dll for Adaptive Server ADO.NET Data Provider, 32-bit and C:\Sybase\DataAccess64\ADONET\dll for Adaptive Server ADO.NET Data Provider, 64-bit.
  2. Run
    AseGacUtility /i DLL_Name
    AseGacUtility4 /i DLL_Name
    where DLL_Name is the DLL you want to deploy in the GAC.
    For example, to deploy 32-bit version of Sybase.AdoNet2.AseClient.dll, run:
    AseGacUtility /i
    Similarly, to deploy 64-bit version of Sybase.AdoNet4.AseClient.dll, run:
    AseGacUtility4 /i