Fill method


Adds or refreshes rows in a DataSet or DataTable object with data from the database.

Syntax 1

int Fill( DataSet dataSet )

Syntax 2

int Fill( DataSet dataSet, string srcTable )

Syntax 3

int Fill( DataSet dataSet, int startRecord, int maxRecords, string srcTable )

Syntax 4

int Fill( DataTable dataTable )


dataSet: A DataSet to fill with records and, optionally, schema.

srcTable: The name of the source table to use for table mapping.

startRecord: The zero-based record number to start with.

maxRecords: The maximum number of records to be read into the DataSet.

dataTable: A DataTable to fill with records and, optionally, schema.

Return Value

The number of rows successfully added or refreshed in the DataSet.


See also

.NET Framework documentation for DdDataAdapter.fill() for the list of supported fill methods.