Generating XML Schema Files

PowerDesigner provides a standard interface for generating all the supported XML schemas.

Target Schema

Generated file

XML Schema Definition 1.0


Document Type Definition 1.0


Note: Parameter entities are references to predefined values within a DTD file (See Parameter property in entity property sheet). During DTD generation, some object properties containing inadvertently parameter values will be generated with parameter references. If you are not satisfied with this default use of parameter entities, you should clear the Parameter property before generation.

XML-Data Reduced 1.0


You can preview the file to be generated by selecting the Preview tab of your XML model property sheet (see Previewing XML Code).

Note: The PowerDesigner generation system is extremely customizable through the use of extensions (see Extending your Modeling Environment). For detailed information about customizing generation, including adding generation targets, options, and tasks, see Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner > Extension Files.
  1. Select Language > Generateschema File to open the Generation dialog:

  2. Enter a directory in which to generate the files and specify whether you want to perform a model check. For more information about checking your model, see Checking an XSM.
    Note: When generating an XDR file, the Generation dialog contains an Options tab, where you can specify whether or not to generate comments (within a <description> tag). This option is enabled by default.
  3. Click OK to begin generation.

    A Progress box is displayed. The Result list displays the files that you can edit. The result is also displayed in the Generation tab of the Output window, located in the bottom part of the main window.

  4. Click Edit to edit the XSD, DTD or XDR file in your associated editor: