Récupération d'un objet dans le modèle à l'aide de scripts

Le modèle suivant illustre comment vous pouvez récupérer un objet à l'aide de son code dans le modèle.


' Call a function that is implemented just after in the script
Dim FoundIntf, FoundClass
Set FoundIntf = RetrieveByCode(ExistingModel, PDOOM.Cls_Interface, "custIntf")
Set FoundClass = RetrieveByCode(ExistingModel, PDOOM.Cls_Class, "cust")
If (not FoundIntf is nothing) and (not FoundClass is Nothing) Then
 output "The class and interface objects have been successfully retrieved by their code"
End If
' Implement a method that retrieve an object by code
' The first parameter is the root folder on which the research begins
' The second parameter is the kind of object we are looking for
' The third parameter is the code of the object we are looking for
Function RetrieveByCode(RootObject, ObjectKind, CodeValue)
 ' Test root parameter
 If RootObject is nothing Then
  Exit Function       ' Root object is not defined
 End If
 If RootObject.IsShortcut() Then
  Exit Function       ' Root object is a shortcut
 End If
 If not RootObject.IsKindOf(Cls_BaseFolder) Then
  Exit Function       ' Root object is not a folder
 End If
 ' Loop on all objects in folder
 Dim SubObject
 For Each SubObject in RootObject.Children
  If SubObject.IsKindOf(ObjectKind) and SubObject.Code = CodeValue Then
   Set RetrieveByCode = SubObject   ' Initialize return value
   Set SubObject = Nothing
   Exit Function
  End If
 Set SubObject = Nothing
 ' Recursive call on sub-folders
 Dim SubFolder
 For Each SubFolder in RootObject.CompositeObjects
  If not SubFolder.IsShortcut() Then
   Dim Found
   Set Found = RetrieveByCode(SubFolder, ObjectKind, CodeValue)
   If not Found Is Nothing Then
    Set RetrieveByCode = Found   ' Initialize return parameter
    Set Found = Nothing
    Set SubFolder = Nothing
    Exit Function
   End If
  End If
 Set SubFolder = Nothing
End Function