View incoming and outgoing SOAP messages

EAServer 5.x includes the Apache soap.jar file in the java/classes subdirectory. This JAR file includes the TcpTunnel and TcpTunnelGui utility classes, which can be used to proxy HTTP requests. These classes allow you to view all HTTP request headers, reply headers, and content for incoming and outgoing SOAP messages. To use the TcpTunnelGui utility:

  1. Start EAServer.

  2. Run the following command, where tunnel_port is an unused port to which proxy requests can be directed, server is the name of the machine where EAServer is running, and http_port is the EAServer HTTP listener port:

    java tunnel_port server http_port
  3. Invoke the Web service operation using the tunnel_port number, instead of the EAServer HTTP port number.

SOAP Inspector view

To view SOAP messages in the SOAP Inspector view:

  1. Open the SOAP Inspector view.

  2. Enable messages.

  3. Run the Web Service client as a Web Services application.