Migrate Your Local Stores

Move any local stores for your 12.x multiplex query nodes before you migrate your data to Sybase IQ 15.4. iqlsunload connects to a Sybase IQ 12.7 database with an Sybase IQ local store and creates scripts that unload its schema and data.

To migrate your local store, consolidate node-specific information into either the existing 12.7 writer or the new Sybase IQ 15.4 main store. Customize the process to meet your data requirements.

For query nodes with node- or department-specific information, use tablespaces and partitioning to achieve the same results.

If information is duplicated across your query nodes, you may need to migrate only a single query server's local store. The duplicated information on the other query servers becomes redundant and can be ignored for multiplex migration.

Related tasks
Partitioning Query Server Data
Addressing Overlapping Query Server Data
Moving Local Stores With iqlsunload
Verify the Legacy Databases Before Migration