Install the required runtime libraries for Linux on POWER

Sybase IQ is compiled and linked with the Visual Age compiler, xlc version 7.0. Before installing Adaptive Server, the runtime libraries for the Visual Age compiler must be installed on your system.

Steps Installing Visual Age xlc compiler runtime libraries

  1. Check to see if the Visual Age runtime packages have been installed previously, by running:

    rpm –q vacpp.rte–7.0.0

    If vacpp.rte–7.0.0–0 is returned, the Visual Age runtime packages have been installed and you can skip the following steps.

    If package vacpp.rte–7.0.0–0 is not installed is returned, the Visual Age packages have not been installed, and you must install them.

  2. To install XLC V7.0 libraries, go to the IBM Web site

    Follow the instructions to download and install the runtime libraries on your operating system. Select the package appropriate for your Linux distribution.

  3. You can proceed with installing Sybase IQ on Linux on POWER.