SAP Sybase IQ and Other SAP Sybase Products

Issues you should know when you install SAP Sybase IQ with other SAP Sybase Products.

CR # Description
  • The SAMPLE_RS will fail to start when installing Replication Server 15.7.1 into the same directory as SAP Sybase IQ 16.0 – Replication Server startup returns errors:
    CONNECTIVITY ERROR: CT-Library error: 'ct_connect(): protocol specific layer:
    internal Client Library error: There is a tds login error. The installed
    encryption handler returned a status that was not CS_SUCCEED.'.
    CONNECTIVITY ERROR: Login attempt failed: server = 'SAMPLE_RS_ERSSD'.
    Unable to connect to the RSSD SQL Server 'SAMPLE_RS_ERSSD'.Make sure that the
    SQL Server is running, and the 'sa' password is correct.
    Task failed: check the RSSD SQL Server. Terminating configuration.
  • Workaround – Install Replication Server in its own directory, separate from SAP Sybase IQ.


  • Error message for SySAM when you install SAP Sybase IQ 15.4 on Replication Agent™ 15.2 – Installing SAP Sybase IQ 15.4 after Replication Agent 15.2, creates errors in $SYBASE/log/sysam_server.log and $SYBASE/log/sysam_util.log.

    These errors occur because the license files in the $SYBASE/SYSAM-2_0/bin directory installed by Replication Agent do not have write permission.

  • Workaround – Before you install SAP Sybase IQ, change the license file permissions in the $SYBASE/SYSAM-2_0/bin directory.


  • Incorrect value in response file for START_SCC_SERVER property – Creating a response file with the GUI installer creates incorrect value in Start SAP Sybase Control Center code block.
  • Workaround – The code block that contains the error looks like this:
    #Start Sybase Control Center
    START_SCC_SERVER=\"\",\"No\" <---- wrong value
    The code block should look like this:
    #Start Sybase Control Center

    To correct the error, change the START_SCC_SERVER line to START_SCC_SERVER=No or START_SCC_SERVER=Yes.