Using the Sybase IQ server after forced recovery [CR 543005]

If you start a Sybase IQ server in forced recovery mode with the start_iq -iqfrec server switch, the server marks all space in use. After this point, no write operations are permitted on the server, until you execute either sp_iqcheckdb 'dropleaks database' or sp_iqcheckdb 'dropleaks <dbspacename>', which recovers space that is not in use.

In a multiplex environment, you can start the coordinator with the -iqfrec server startup switch only in combination with the single node mode only -iqmpx_sn startup switch. If you try to start the coordinator normally without running sp_iqcheckdb 'dropleaks database' or sp_iqcheckdb 'dropleaks dbspace IQ_SYSTEM_MAIN', the server cannot start. The server needs to truncate and write a new first record to the TLV log, but there is no space available to write the TLV log. If the coordinator fails to start for this reason, restart the coordinator in single node mode and execute sp_iqcheckdb 'dropleaks dbspace IQ_SYSTEM_MAIN', then restart the coordinator normally.