create service

The create service command wraps the supplied SQL statement in a stored procedure with the specified name and parameters. Except for the following differences, the resulting stored procedure behaves the same as a stored procedure created with the create procedure command, follows existing stored procedure rules for execution, replication, sp_helptext, and recompilation, and is executable from isql:

NoteTo make a user-defined Web service available through the ASE Web Services Engine, you must use the deploy option of sp_webservices. However, the stored procedure for a user-defined Web service is accessible from isql, even if it has not been deployed. For information on the deploy option of sp_webservices, see “deploy” in “Using sp_webservices.”


create service service-name [secure security_options ] [, userpath path] 
            [, alias alias-name]
       type { xml | raw | soap } 
       [[(@parameter_name datatype [(length ) | (precision  [, scale ])]
            [= default][output]
       [, @parameter_name datatype [(length ) | (precision  [, scale ])]
            [= default][output]]...[)]]
as SQL_statements 
security_options ::= (security_option_item [security_option_item])


Example 1

In this example, a user-defined Web service, rawservice, of type raw is created to return the version of the current database. The create service command is entered from the isql command line for the pubs2 database:

1> use pubs2
2> go
1> create service rawservice type raw as select '<html><h1>' + @@version + '</h1></html>'
2> go

The newly created user-defined Web service must then be deployed:

1> sp_webservices 'deploy', 'all'
2> go

For example, if the sample file is named testraw.html and it is copied to $SYBASE/WS-15_0/producer (%SYBASE%\WS-15_0\producer on Windows), you can access the page https://myhost:8182/testraw.html, where the username, password, and database are bob, bob123, and pubs2, respectively. Click “Access rawservice” to display the result.

NoteFor details on the deploy option for sp_webservices, see “Using sp_webservices with user-defined Web services”.

The WSDL for the newly created user-defined Web service can be found at the following URL:


The output, an Adaptive Server Enterprise version string, is displayed in an HTML <h1> tag in the browser window:

     <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
     <title>Inovke version</title>
     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ws.css">
     <form method="POST" action=services>
       <p>Username: <input type="text" name="username"</p>
       <p>Password: <input type="text" name="password"</p>
       <p>Database: <input type="text" name="dboralias"</p>
       <p><input type="hidden" value="rawservice" name="method"</p>
       <p><input type="submit" value="Access rawservice" name="B2">

Example 2

In this example, a user-defined Web service, xmlservice, of type xml is created to return the version of the current database. The create service command is entered from the isql command line for the pubs2 database:

1> use pubs2
2> go
1> create service xmlservice userpath "testing" type xml as select @@version
2> go

The newly created user-defined Web service must then be deployed:

1> sp_webservices 'deploy', 'xmlservice'
2> go

NoteFor details on the deploy option for sp_webservices, see “Using sp_webservices with user-defined Web services”.

The WSDL for user-defined Web service can be found at the following URL:


For example, if the HTML page is named testxml.html, and you copy the the HTML file to $SYBASE/WS-15_0/producer (%SYBASE%\WS-15_0\producer on Windows). Access the pagehttps://myhost:8182/testxml.html and input these parameters:

Click “Retrieve Version” to display the result.

   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
   <title>Inovke version</title>
   <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ws.css">
   <form method="POST" action=services>
     <p>Username: <input type="text" name="username"</p>
     <p>Password: <input type="text" name="password"</p>
     <p>Database: <input type="text" name="dboralias"</p>
     <p><input type="hidden" value="xmlservice" name="method"</p>
     <p><input type="submit" value="Retrieve Version" name="B1">

Example 3

In this example, a user-defined Web service is made available to a SOAP client to execute the stored procedure sp_who. One argument is supplied, and the optional userpath token is specified:

create service sp_who_service userpath 'myservices/args' type soap @loginname varchar(30) as exec sp_who @loginname

The Web service is created as sp_who_service in the pubs2 database and, after being deployed, it is accessible at the following URL:


The WSDL for the service is available at the following URL:


The signature for the Web method, described in the WSDL file, is as follows:

DataReturn[] sp_who_service (xsd:string username, xsd:string password, xsd:string loginname)

The new service is invoked by a SOAP client with one parameter, loginname, of type varchar(30).