Monitor Replication and Materialization Table Details

The detailed information for each primary and replicate table includes the requested action, the replication status, and materialization progress. To refresh the current materialization status of the tables, click Refresh in the upper right corner.

A dialog appears when batch materialization is complete. If a terminal error occurred, the error is displayed in the dialog. This dialog appears even if you closed and re-opened the user interface.
Column Name Description
Primary Table Name Source tables present in the primary database.
Replicate Table Name Target tables present in the replicate database.
Requested Action The selected replication and materialization action in the Configure Table Replication wizard.
Status Status of the table replication.
Materialization Progress Percentage of materialization progress.
Row Count The approximate number of rows present in the source table.
Rows Remaining The approximate number of rows remaining to be materialized to the target table.
Messages Messages related to the replication and materialization of the target table. Double-click this field to view messages in a dialog.