Starting the RMA on UNIX

Run the RMA on a UNIX platform.

Set the environment variables:
  1. Log in to the host using the same operating system user that was used to install the RMA and SAP Replication Server.
  2. Go to the $SYBASE directory where the SAP Replication Server software was installed.
  3. Set the necessary environment variables by running the appropriate command.
    • Bourne shell:
    • C shell:
      source SYBASE.csh
Note: Set the environment variables only once.
  1. Change to the bin directory of the RMA installation:
    cd $SYBASE/RMA-15_5/bin
  2. Execute the appropriate command for your shell.
    These examples direct the output to the file rma.out. If this output file already exists, you may need to use additional shell operators to append to or truncate the file.
    • Bourne shell (sh) or Bash:
      • nohup ./ 2>&1 > rma.out &
    • For an instance, C shell:
      nohup ./ >& rma.out &