Starting the RMA on Windows

Run the RMA on both the primary and replicate sites on Windows.

Verify that you have the administrator privilege, which allows you to create and delete Windows services for SAP Replication Server and Replication Agent.
  1. Log in to the host using the same operating system user that was used to install the RMA and SAP Replication Server.
  2. Open a command window and run as administrator:
    1. Click the Windows start button.
    2. Enter cmd in the Search Programs and Files window.
    3. Right-click cmd.exe, and choose Run as administrator.
  3. From the command window, navigate to the directory where the RMA is installed.
  4. Run SYBASE.bat to set the necessary environment variables.
  5. Change to the bin directory of the RMA installation:
    cd $SYBASE/RMA-15_5/bin
  6. Enter RunContainer.cmd to start the RMA.