Before You Begin

Before using RMA, you must have installed the SAP Replication Server software (which includes RMA) and also the Replication Agent software on the machines that will host the replication processing.

Note: You can install SAP Replication Server and Replication Agent on every host. The software is only used on the hosts you select during the environment configuration.

Primary and Replicate Databases Prerequisites

Each primary and replicate database have different prerequisites that must be met to allow successful replication. The RMA reports any prerequisites that are not satisfied during the replication model deployment, however, you can review in advance the lists of prerequisites in the Quick Start Guide for SAP HANA Database.

Primary Database Connectivity

The RMA connects to the primary data servers using JDBC drivers that implement a minimum of the JDBC 3.0 standard. Before you start the RMA or the RMA designer, you must have a JDBC driver available for your primary data server, and must already exist in your CLASSPATH environment variable on the machine where you will start the RMA. Without the correct JDBC driver in the CLASSPATH, the RMA will start successfully, but will not be able to connect to your primary database.