IAgentryControlViewModelCollectionDisplay interface

This interface is implemented by the Agentry client.

Visual Basic syntax

Public Interface IAgentryControlViewModelCollectionDisplayImplements IAgentryControlViewModel, IEnumerable< IAgentryData >

C# syntax

public interface IAgentryControlViewModelCollectionDisplay : IAgentryControlViewModel, IEnumerable< IAgentryData >

Base class

Implemented interfaces


All members of IAgentryControlViewModelCollectionDisplay, including inherited members.

Modifier and Type Method Description
public IAgentryData DisplayedItemAt(int) Return the displayed item at the passed index.
public SMPProcessInputReturn SelectItem(int) Select the item at the passed index into the displayed items.
Modifier and Type Property Description
public uint DisplayedItemCount Get number of items in collection of displayed objects.
public IAgentryData SelectedItem Return the selected item in the list.
Inherited members from IAgentryControlViewModel
Modifier and Type Member Description
public bool DoesAgentryActionExist(string) Ask Agentry if an action with the specified name exists.
public SMPActionResult ExecuteAgentryAction(string) Ask Agentry to execute the action with the specified name.
public SMPActionResult ExecuteHyperlinkAction() Direct the Agentry client to invoke the control's hyperlink action.
public string GetAgentryString(string) Asks Agentry for a specific string value.
public bool IsAgentryActionEnabled(string) Ask Agentry if an action with the specified name exists and is enabled.
public bool IsAutoSize Some Agentry clients depend on the internal layout manager to determine the size of a control by asking the control to determine its own size.
public bool IsEnabled Determine if the control should be enabled.
public bool IsHyperlinkEnabled Determine if the control's hyperlink should be enabled.
public bool IsVisible Determine if the control should be visible.
public string Label Returns the text of this control's label.
public void OnPropertyChanged(string) The consumer of this class can listen for the PropertyChanged event in order to handle changes to any of the properties.


The third-party's custom control's DataContext property is set to an object that implements this interface. The control can use this to request certain information from the Agentry client's view-model.

This particular interface is only implemented by the view-model of a collection control, such as a list-view or tile list.

Note that IEnumerable<> implements IEnumerable, too.