setTraceLevel: method

Set the trace level, default is E2EMEDIUM.If tracing is enabled, "SAP-PASSPORT" and "X-CorrelationID" headers are set and filled with values to enable SAP Passport functionality.


- ( void ) setTraceLevel : ( E2ELevel ) value_in

Example 1

    SMPClientConnection* clientConn = [SMPClientConnection initializeWithAppID:"application ID" domain:@"domain" secConfiguration:@"secconfig"];
    [clientConneciton setConnectionProfileWithHost:@"supServerHost" port:@"supServerPort" farm:nil relayServerUrlTemplate:nil enableHTTP:YES];
 //On board user
    [clientConn setTraceLevel:E2EHIGH];
    [clientConn startTrace];
 //Request response
    [clientConn stopTrace];
    NSError* error = nil;
    [clientConn uploadTraceWithUserName:"username" passWord:@"password" error:&error];
    if (!error)
    // Further processing