sdmBuildODataEntryXML method [deprecated]

Deprecated. Returns the xml representation of an entry depending on the operation and the HTTP method that must be used when the xml is sent to the SAP server in an HTTP request Sample usage: Creating an xml from an entry that can be sent to the server to create or update the data in the backend defined by the key values. The collection must have the sap:creatable or sap:updatable attribute set to true to succeed (depending on the operation). SDMODataEntryXML* entryAsXmlAndHttpMethod = sdmBuildODataEntryXML(entry, ENTRY_OPERATION_UPDATE_FULL, serviceDocument, NO);


- ( SDMODataEntryXML * ) sdmBuildODataEntryXML : ( const SDMODataEntry *const ) entry : ( const enum TEN_ENTRY_OPERATIONS ) operation : ( const SDMODataServiceDocument *const ) serviceDocument : ( const BOOL ) serializeInlinedEntries



 Returns the xml representation of an entry for the given operation and the HTTP method that must be used when sending the entry to a SAP server in an HTTP request.