Requesting protocol

Requesting is the protocol to be adapted by Request classes.


@protocol Requesting

Derived classes


All members of Requesting, including inherited members.

Method Description
- (void) addBasicAuthenticationHeaderWithUsername: (NSString *) theUsername andPassword: (NSString *) thePassword Constructs a basic authentication header from the username and password provided, and adds it to the request headers.
- (void) addRequestHeader: (NSString *) header value: (NSString *) value Adds a custom header to the request.
- (void) appendPostData: (NSData *) data Adds data to the post body.
- (void) appendPostDataFromFile: (NSString *) file Adds data to the post body from a file.
- (void) applyAuthorizationHeader Used to apply authorization header to a request before it is sent (when shouldPresentCredentialsBeforeChallenge is YES).
- (void) applyCookieHeader Called during buildRequestHeaders and after a redirect to create a cookie header from request cookies and the global store.
+ (unsigned long) averageBandwidthUsedPerSecond Returns a rough average (for the last 5 seconds) of how much bandwidth is being used, in bytes.
+ (NSString *) base64forData: (NSData *) theData Base64 encodes the provided NSData*.
- (void) buildPostBody Creates the post body.
- (void) buildRequestHeaders Populates the request headers dictionary.
- (void) cancelAuthentication Should be called by delegates to cancel authentication and stop.
+ (void) clearSession  
+ (const NSDataWritingOptions) dataWritingOptions Returns a mask that determines whether the data should be stored in an encrypted form.
+ (NSDate *) dateFromRFC1123String: (NSString *) string Returns a date from a string in RFC1123 format.
+ (NSString *) decodeBase64: (NSString *) string_in Decodes a base64 encoded string.
+ (id< CacheDelegate >) defaultCache Returns the default download cache or nil if none is set at class level.
- (void) enableTracing: (BOOL) value_in Switches traceability status.
+ (void) enableXCSRF: (BOOL) enable Enable XSRF support for the session of the application.
- (void) failWithError: (NSError *) theError Called when a request fails, and lets the delegate know via didFailSelector.
+ (NSDictionary *) fileProtectionAttributes Returns a attributes dictionary used for encrypted file storage or nil if file protection has been explicitely disabled.
+ (NSInteger) getMaxConcurrentHTTPRequestCount Returns the maximum number of request threads that can be executed in parallel.
- (void) handleNetworkEvent: (CFStreamEventType) type Handles network events as they occur.
- (id< Requesting >) HEADRequest Convenience constructor with URL and cache.
+ (void) hideNetworkActivityIndicator Hides the network activity spinner.
+ (void) incrementBandwidthUsedInLastSecond: (unsigned long) bytes Used internally to record bandwidth use, and by InputStreams when uploading. It's probably best if you don't mess with this.
- (void) incrementDownloadSizeBy: (long long) length Called when we get a content-length header and shouldResetDownloadProgress is true.
- (void) incrementUploadSizeBy: (long long) length Called when a request starts and shouldResetUploadProgress is true.
- (id) initWithURL: (NSURL *) newURL Should be an HTTP or HTTPS URL.
+ (BOOL) isBandwidthThrottled Returns YES is bandwidth throttling is currently in use.
+ (BOOL) isNetworkInUse Indicates whether there are running requests.
+ (BOOL) isNetworkReachableViaWWAN Returns YES when an iPhone OS device is connected via WWAN, false when connected via WIFI or not connected.
- (BOOL) isResponseCompressed  
- (BOOL) isTracingEnabled Returns tracing status.
+ (unsigned long) maxBandwidthPerSecond The maximum number of bytes all requests can send or receive in a second.
+ (unsigned long) maxUploadReadLength Returns the maximum amount of data you can read as part of the current measurement period, and closes this thread if the allowance is used up.
+ (NSString *) mimeTypeForFileAtPath: (NSString *) path  
+ (void) performSelector: (SEL) selector onTarget: (id *) target withObject: (id) object amount: (void *) amount Helper method used for performing invocations on the main thread (used for progress).
- (void) performThrottling Perform bandwidth throttling.
+ (void) removeCredentialsForHost: (NSString *) host port: (int) port protocol: (NSString *) protocol realm: (NSString *) realm Deletes host credentials from the keychain.
+ (void) removeCredentialsForProxy: (NSString *) host port: (int) port realm: (NSString *) realm Deletes proxy credentials from the keychain.
- (void) removeUploadProgressSoFar Called when authorization is needed, as you can only find out that you do not have permission, when the upload is complete.
+ (id) requestWithURL: (NSURL *) newURL Convenience constructor with URL.
+ (id) requestWithURL: (NSURL *) newURL usingCache: (id< CacheDelegate >) cache Convenience constructor with url and cache.
+ (id) requestWithURL: (NSURL *) newURL usingCache: (id< CacheDelegate >) cache andCachePolicy: (ECachePolicy) policy Convenience constructor with url, cache and cache policy.
- (NSData *) responseData  
- (NSString *) responseString  
- (void) retryUsingSuppliedCredentials Wakes up (unlocks) the request thread so it can resume the request.
+ (void) saveCredentials: (NSURLCredential *) credentials forHost: (NSString *) host port: (int) port protocol: (NSString *) protocol realm: (NSString *) realm Saves host credentials to the keychain.
+ (void) saveCredentials: (NSURLCredential *) credentials forProxy: (NSString *) host port: (int) port realm: (NSString *) realm Saves proxy credentials to the keychain.
- (void) saveCredentialsToKeychain: (NSDictionary *) newCredentials Saves credentials for this request to the keychain.
+ (NSURLCredential *) savedCredentialsForHost: (NSString *) host port: (int) port protocol: (NSString *) protocol realm: (NSString *) realm Returns host credentials from the keychain.
+ (NSURLCredential *) savedCredentialsForProxy: (NSString *) host port: (int) port protocol: (NSString *) protocol realm: (NSString *) realm Returns proxy credentials from the keychain.
- (void) sendE2ETraceXML: (NSURL *) toBaseURL Posts the SAP E2E Trace XML to the specified URL.
- (void) setClientCertificateIdentity: (SecIdentityRef) anIdentity Sets the identity reference (X.509 certificate + private key) for this request; used for secure connections.
+ (void) setDefaultCache: (id< CacheDelegate >) cache Configures a default download cache that applies for all requests.
- (void) setEtag: (NSString *) etag withMatchType: (EtagType) matchType Add If-Match or If-None-Match or If-Range header.
+ (void) setMaxBandwidthPerSecond: (unsigned long) bytes Sets the maximum number of bytes ALL requests can send / receive in a second.
+ (void) setMaxConcurrentHTTPRequestCount: (const unsigned char) cnt Sets the maximum number of Request threads which can run at once.
+ (void) setProtectionEnabled: (BOOL) flag_in Controls whether the download cache should store files using protection.
+ (void) setShouldThrottleBandwidthForWWAN: (BOOL) throttle Request can automatically turn throttling on and off, as the connection type changes between WWAN and WiFi.
+ (void) setShouldUpdateNetworkActivityIndicator: (BOOL) shouldUpdate Controls whether the request should take over updating the network activity indicator.
+ (NSOperationQueue *) sharedQueue Returns the shared queue.
+ (void) showNetworkActivityIndicator Shows the network activity spinner.
- (void) startAsynchronous  
- (void) startSynchronous  
+ (void) throttleBandwidthForWWANUsingLimit: (unsigned long) limit Turns on throttling automatically when WWAN is connected using a custom limit, and turns it off automatically when it is not connected.
- (void) updateDownloadProgress Updates download progress (notifies the queue and/or downloadProgressDelegate of this request).
+ (void) updateProgressIndicator: (id *) indicator withProgress: (unsigned long long) progress ofTotal: (unsigned long long) total Helper method for interacting with progress indicators to abstract the details of different APIS (NSProgressIndicator and UIProgressView).
- (void) updateProgressIndicators Updates the progress delegates.
- (void) updateUploadProgress Updates upload progress (notifies the queue and/or uploadProgressDelegate of this request).