Caching protocol

The protocol consists of method definitions for caching parsed OData entries.


@protocol Caching

Derived classes


All members of Caching, including inherited members.

Method Description
- (NSString *) addEntry: (ODataEntry *) entry withError: (NSError **) error Adds a new entry cache.
- (void) addNotificationDelegate: (id) delegate withListener: (SEL) listener forUrlKey: (NSString *) urlKey Registers for notifications in case of change in the cached data when the merge is performed.
- (BOOL) clearCacheForUrlKey: (NSString *) urlKey withError: (NSError **) error Clears the cache for the URL key passed from all the caches, including the delta token and document cache.
- (BOOL) clearLocalEntryForEntryId: (NSString *) entryId withError: (NSError **) error Clears the local entry present in the local cache based on the entry ID passed.
- (BOOL) deleteEntryForEntryId: (NSString *) entryId withError: (NSError **) error Marks an entry from cache for deletion.
- (NSString *) getDeltaLinkForUrlKey: (NSString *) urlKey withError: (NSError **) error Returns the delta token or delta link for the URL key passed.
- (BOOL) initializeCacheWithError: (NSError **) error Retrieves all the initialized cache metadata.
- (BOOL) mergeEntries: (ODataFeed *) feed forUrlKey: (NSString *) urlKey withError: (NSError **) error withCompletionBlock: (NSNotification *) block Deprecated. Use 'mergeEntriesFromFeed' instead. This will be removed in the next drop
- (BOOL) mergeEntriesFromFeed: (ODataFeed *) feed forUrlKey: (NSString *) urlKey withError: (NSError **) error withCompletionBlock: (NSNotification *notification) block Merges the entries from the passed feed with the current set of entries (server version only) in the cache.
- (id) readDocumentForUrlKey: (NSString *) urlKey forDocType: (DocType) type withError: (NSError **) error Reads the service document or the meta data document for further reuse since they are the base on which data parsing can be performed.
- (NSArray *) readEntriesForUrlKey: (NSString *) urlKey withError: (NSError **) error Returns an array of ODataEntry* objects stored for the specified URL key.
- (NSArray *) readEntriesLocalForEntryId: (NSString *) entryId forEntityType: (NSString *) entityType withError: (NSError **) error Returns an array of ODataEntry* objects stored for the specified entity type and entry ID.
- (BOOL) storeDocument: (id) document forDocType: (DocType) type forUrlKey: (NSString *) urlKey withError: (NSError **) error Stores the service document or the meta data document for further reuse since they are the base on which data parsing can be performed.
- (BOOL) updateEntry: (ODataEntry *) entry withError: (NSError **) error This method call is associated with a HTTP PUT request, that is, a modification on the existing resource of a collection.


Cache works against the new parser API (OData*) only. Supports handling delta links and tombstones.

Error codes for caching

600 – Empty/Nil input parameter(s). 601 – No entries match the input. 602 – The entry being marked for delete is not a part of the server cache. Cannot perform operation.