get( onsuccess, onerror, key ) method

Get an (JSON serializable) object from the DataVault for a given key.


<static> get( onsuccess, onerror, key )


Name Type Description
onsuccess sap.Logon~getSuccessCallback The function that is invoked upon success.It is called with the resulting object as a single parameter. This can be null or undefined, if no object is defined for the given key.
onerror sap.Logon~errorCallback The function to invoke in case of error.
key string The key with which to query the DataVault.


var errorCallback = function(errorInfo){
    alert("Error: " + JSON.stringify(errorInfo));
var getSuccess = function(value){
    alert("value retrieved from the store: " + JSON.stringify(value));
var setSuccess = function(){
sap.Logon.set(setSuccess,errorCallback,'someKey', 'some string (could also be an object).');


LogonController.js, line 1576.