EncryptedStorage namespace

The EncryptedStorage class is used as a secure local store.

The EncryptedStorage API is based on the W3C web storage API, but has two major differences: it is asynchronous, and it has a constructor with a password.


Note: There is a security flaw on some versions of Android with the Pseudo Random Number Generation.
The first time the native code of this plugin runs it applies the fix for this issue.  However, the
fix needs to be applied before any use of Java Cryptography Architecture primitives.  Therefore, it
is a good idea to run this plugin (call a function that has a native component: length, key, getItem,
setItem, removeItem, clear) before using any other security-related plugin, to protect yourself
against the possibility that the other plugin does not apply this fix. No other Kapsel plugins are
affected, so you need not do this on their behalf.  For more details about the security flaw, see



            Adding and Removing the EncryptedStorage Plugin

The EncryptedStorage plugin is added and removed using the
Cordova CLI.


To add the EncryptedStorage plugin to your project, use the following command:

cordova plugin add <path to directory containing Kapsel plugins>\encryptedstorage


To remove the EncryptedStorage plugin from your project, use the following command:

cordova plugin rm com.sap.mp.cordova.plugins.encryptedstorage


Name Description
COMPLEX_STRING_MAXIMUM_LENGTH This constant is the length of the largest string that is guaranteed to be successfully stored on Android.
ERROR_BAD_PASSWORD This error code indicates that the operation failed due to an incorrect password.
ERROR_GREATER_THAN_MAXIMUM_SIZE This error indicates that the string was too large to store.
ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER This error code indicates an invalid parameter was provided.
ERROR_UNKNOWN This error code indicates an unknown error occurred.
SIMPLE_STRING_MAXIMUM_LENGTH This constant is the length of the largest string that can successfully be stored on Android.


Name Description
clear( successCallback, errorCallback ) This function removes all items from the store.
deleteStore( successCallback, errorCallback ) This function deletes a store that has been created with EncryptedStorage.
getItem( key, successCallback, errorCallback ) This function gets the value corresponding to the given key.
key( index, successCallback, errorCallback ) This function gets the key corresponding to the given index.
length( successCallback, errorCallback ) This function gets the length of the store.
removeItem( key, successCallback, errorCallback ) This function removes the item corresponding to the given key.
setItem( key, value, successCallback, errorCallback ) This function sets an item with the given key and value.

Type Definitions

Name Description
errorCallback( errorCode ) Callback function that is invoked in case of an error.
getItemSuccessCallback( value )  
keySuccessCallback( key )  
lengthSuccessCallback( length )  
successCallback Callback function that is invoked on a successful call to a function that does not need to return anything.


encryptedstorage.js, line 37.