
1       // 3.0.2-SNAPSHOT
2       var exec = require("cordova/exec");
4       /**
5        * The push plugin provides an abstraction layer over the
6        * <a href="http://developer.android.com/google/gcm/index.html">Google Cloud Messaging for Android (GCM)</a>
7        * and
8        * <a href="http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/RemoteNotificationsPG/Chapters/ApplePushService.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40008194-CH100-SW9">Apple Push Notification Service (APNS)</a>.
9        * <br/><br/>
10       * A notification can be sent to a device registered with an application through a
11       * rest call at <pre>http://SMP_3.0_SERVER:8080/Notifications/application_registration_id</pre>
12       * <br/><br/>
13       * <b>Adding and Removing the Push Plugin</b><br/>
14       * The Push plugin is added and removed using the
15       * <a href="http://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/edge/guide_cli_index.md.html#The%20Command-line%20Interface">Cordova CLI</a>.<br/>
16       * <br/>
17       * To add the Push plugin to your project, use the following command:<br/>
18       * cordova plugin add <path to directory containing Kapsel plugins>\push<br/>
19       * <br/>
20       * To remove the Push plugin from your project, use the following command:<br/>
21       * cordova plugin rm com.sap.mp.cordova.plugins.push
22       * <br/>
23       *
24       * @namespace
25       * @alias Push
26       * @memberof sap
27       */
29      module.exports = {
33          /**
34           * Helper method for handling failure callbacks. It is configured as a failure callback in <code> call_native() </code>
35           *
36           *
37           * @param {msg} Error message with the cause of failure
38           *
39           * @private
40           * @name failure
41           * @function
42           */
44      failure: function (msg) {
45          sap.Logger.debug("Javascript Callback Error: " + msg,"PUSHJS",function(m){},function(m){});
47      },
48          /**
49           * Helper method for handling push registration success callbacks. It is configured as a failure callback in <code> call_native() </code>
50           *
51           *
52           * @param {msg} Error message with the cause of failure
53           *
54           * @private
55           * @name pushregsuccsss
56           * @function
57           */
59      pushregsuccsss: function(msg) {
60          sap.Logger.debug("Javascript Callback Success ","PUSHJS",function(m){},function(m){});
61      },
63          /**
64           * Helper method for calling native methods
65           *
66           * @param {function} callback
67           * @param {string} Name of the action to invoke on the plugin
68           * @param {array} List of arguments
69           * @private
70           * @name call_native
71           * @function
72           */
73      call_native: function (callback, name, args) {
75          if(arguments.length == 2) {
76              args = []
77          }
78          ret = exec(
79                     callback,                /**  Called when signature capture is successful */
80                     sap.Push.failure,            /** Called when signature capture encounters an error */
81                     'SMPPushPlugin',         /**  Tell Cordova that we want to run "PushNotificationPlugin" */
82                     name,                    /**  Tell the plugin the action we want to perform */
83                     args);                   /**  List of arguments to the plugin */
84          return ret;
85      },
87          /**
88           * Helper method to check if platform is iOS.
89           *
90           * @return {bool} Whether the current platform is iOS or not.
91           * @private
92           * @name isPlatformIOS
93           * @function
94           */
95      isPlatformIOS: function () {
96          return device.platform == "iPhone" || device.platform == "iPad" || device.platform == "iPod touch" || device.platform == "iOS"
97      },
98          /**
99           * Function called by the application to get connection information.
100          *
101          * @param {string} [types] Types of notifications the application wants to receive. The different types of notifications are expressed in <code>notificationType</code>
102          * @param {string} [successCB] Success callback to call when registration is successful.
103          * @param {string} [errorCB] Error callback to call when registration attempt fails.
104          * @private
105          * @memberof sap.Push
106          * @function getConnectionSettings
107          * @example
108          * sap.Push.getConnectionSettings(function(){
109          * sap.Logger.debug("getting Connection Settings","PUSHJS",function(m){},function(m){});
110          *  console.log("getting Connection Settings");
111          *  sap.Push.registerForNotification(types,  successCallback, errorCallback, notificationListenerFunc, senderId );
112          **/
113         getConnectionSettings : function (successCB, errorCB) {
116             if (sap.Settings.isInitialized == true)
117             {
118                 /*It is already initialized */
119                 successCB();
121             } else {
122                 sap.Settings.isInitialized = true;
123                 var pd ="";
124                 sap.Logon.unlock(function (connectionInfo) {
125                                  var userName = connectionInfo["registrationContext"]["user"];
126                                  var password  = connectionInfo["registrationContext"]["password"];
127                                  var applicationConnectionId = connectionInfo["applicationConnectionId"];
128                                  var securityConfig = connectionInfo["registrationContext"]["securityConfig"];
129                                  var endpoint = connectionInfo["applicationEndpointURL"];
130                                  var keySSLEnabled = "false";
131                                  var splitendpoint = endpoint.split("/");
132                                  if (splitendpoint[0] == "https:")
133                                  {
134                                      keySSLEnabled="true";
135                                  }
136                                  if (securityConfig == null) {
137                                      securityConfig = "";
138                                  }
139                                  var burl = splitendpoint[2];
140                                  var appId = splitendpoint[3];
141                                  pd = appId+userName+password;
142                                  sap.Settings.store = new sap.EncryptedStorage("SettingsStore", pd);
143                                  connectionData = {
144                                      "keyMAFLogonOperationContextConnectionData": {
145                                          "keyMAFLogonConnectionDataApplicationSettings":
146                                          {
147                                          "DeviceType":device.platform,
148                                          "DeviceModel":device.model,
149                                          "ApplicationConnectionId":applicationConnectionId
150                                          },
151                                          "keyMAFLogonConnectionDataBaseURL":burl
152                                      },
153                                      "keyMAFLogonOperationContextApplicationId":appId,
154                                      "keyMAFLogonOperationContextBackendUserName":userName,
155                                      "keyMAFLogonOperationContextBackendPassword":password,
156                                      "keyMAFLogonOperationContextSecurityConfig":securityConfig,
157                                      "keySSLEnabled":keySSLEnabled
158                                  };
159                                  sap.Settings.start(connectionData,
160                                                     function(mesg) {
161                                                         sap.Settings.isInitialized = true;
162                                                         sap.Logger.debug("Setting Exchange is succesful ","SETTINGSJS",function(m){},function(m){});
163                                                         successCB();
164                                                     },
165                                                     function(mesg){
166                                                         sap.Logger.debug("Setting Exchange failed" + mesg,"SETTINGSJS",function(m){},function(m){});
167                                                         sap.Settings.isInitialized = false;
168                                                         errorCB();
169                                                     });
170                                  }
171                                  , function () {
172                                      console.log("unlock failed");
173                                      sap.Logger.debug("unlock failed ","SETTINGSJS",function(m){},function(m){});
174                                  }
175                             );
177            }
180     },
182         /**
183          * Function called by the application to register notification types to receive.
184          *
185          * @param {string} [types] Types of notifications the application wants to receive. The different types of notifications are expressed in <code>notificationType</code>
186          * @param {string} [successCallback] Success callback to call when registration is successful.
187          * @param {string} [errorCallback] Error callback to call when registration attempt fails.
188          * @param {string} [notificationlistenerfunc] The function that receives the notification for processing by the application.
189          * @param {string} [senderId] The sender ID that is used for GCM registration. For other platforms it is null.
190          * @private
191          * @memberof sap.Push
192          * @function registerForNotificationTypes
193          * @example
194          * regid = "211112269206";
195          * function registerSuccess(mesg){}
196          * function registerFailure(mesg) {}
197          * function ProcessNotification(mesg){}
198          * sap.Push.registerForNotificationTypes(sap.Push.notificationType.badge | sap.Push.notificationType.sound | sap.Push.notificationType.alert, registerSuccess, registerFailure, ProcessNotification, regid);
199          */
201     registerForNotification: function (types, successCallback, errorCallback, notificationListenerFunc, senderId ) {
202         if(device.platform == "iPhone" || device.platform == "iPad" || device.platform == "iPod touch" || device.platform == "iOS" || device.platform == "Android") {
203             sap.Push.RegisterSuccess = successCallback;
204             sap.Push.RegisterFailed  = errorCallback;
205             sap.Push.ProcessNotificationForUser = notificationListenerFunc;
206             sap.Push.call_native(sap.Push.pushregsuccsss, "registerForNotificationTypes", [types, senderId]);
208         }
210     },
212         /* Core APIS */
214         /**
215          * Function called by the application to register notification types to receive.
216          *
217          * @param {string} types Types of notifications the application wants to receive. The different types of notifications are expressed in <code>notificationType</code>
218          *                  Notificaion types allowed are Disable all notifications (NONE: 0), Set badge count on app icon (BADGE: 1), Play sounds on receiving notification (SOUNDS: 2) and Show alert on receiving notification (ALERT: 4).
219          * @param {string} successCallback Success callback to call when registration is successful.
220          * @param {string} errorCallback Error callback to call when registration attempt fails.
221          * @param {string} notificationlistenerfunc The function that receives the notification for processing by the application.
222          * @param {string} [senderId] The sender ID that is used for GCM registration. For other platforms it is null.
223          * @public
224          * @memberof sap.Push
225          * @function registerForNotificationTypes
226          * @example
227          * regid = "211112269206";
228          * function registerSuccess(mesg){}
229          * function registerFailure(mesg) {}
230          * function ProcessNotification(mesg){}
231          * sap.Push.registerForNotificationTypes(sap.Push.notificationType.badge | sap.Push.notificationType.sound | sap.Push.notificationType.alert, registerSuccess, registerFailure, ProcessNotification, regid);
232          */
233     registerForNotificationTypes: function (types, successCallback, errorCallback, notificationListenerFunc, senderId ) {
234         sap.Push.getConnectionSettings(function(){
235                                        sap.Logger.debug("getting Connection Settings","PUSHJS",function(m){},function(m){});
236                                        console.log("getting Connection Settings");
237                                        sap.Push.registerForNotification(types,  successCallback, errorCallback, notificationListenerFunc, senderId );
238                                        },
239                                        function(){});
240     },
243         /**
244          * Function called by the application to unregister from future notifications.
245          *
246          * @param {function} callback Success callback to call when deregistration is successful. This callback function will contain a string with a message. This message is just for informative purpose. 
247          * @public
248          * @memberof sap.Push
249          * @function unregisterForNotificationTypes
250          * @example
251          * function unregCallback(mesg){}
252          * sap.Push.unregisterForNotificationTypes(unregCallback);
253          */
255     unregisterForNotificationTypes: function (callbak) {
256         if(device.platform == "iPhone" || device.platform == "iPad" || device.platform == "iPod touch" || device.platform == "iOS" || device.platform == "Android") {
257             sap.Push.call_native(callbak,"unregisterForNotification");
258         }
259     },
261         /**
262          * Used to fetch the badge count for the application. This function is used only by iOS. Other platforms do not have the badge count concept.
263          *
264          * @param {function} callback Success callback to call when to send the badge count. The callback function will contain an argument in json format with the current badge count. Look into the example for the deail on how to use them.
265          * @public
266          * @memberof sap.Push
267          * @function getBadgeNumber
268          * @example
269          * function getBadgeNumCallback(data) { badgecount = data["badgecount"];}
270          * sap.Push.getBadgeNumber(getBadgeNumCallback);
271          */
272     getBadgeNumber: function(callback)
273         {
274             if (sap.Push.isPlatformIOS()) {
275                 sap.Push.call_native(callback, "getBadgeNumber");
276             }
277         },
279         /**
280          * Used to set the badge count for the application. This function is used only by iOS. Other platforms do not have the badge count concept.
281          *
282          * @param {number} number The badge count to set for the application.
283          * @param {function} callback Success callback to call when to send the badge count. The callback function will contain an argument in string format. This argument can be used for informative purpose.
284          * @public
285          * @memberof sap.Push
286          * @function setBadgeNumber
287          * @example
288          * function badgeCallback(mesg){}
289          * badgenum = 10;
290          * sap.Push.setBadgeNumber(badgenum, badgeCallback);
291          */
292     setBadgeNumber: function (number, callback) {
293         if (sap.Push.isPlatformIOS()) {
294             sap.Push.call_native(callback, "setBadgeNumber", [number]);
295         }
296     },
298         /**
299          * Used to reset the badge count for the application.  This function is used only by iOS. Other platforms do not have the badge count concept.
300          *
301          * @param {function} callback Success callback to call when the badge count is reset. The callback function will contain an argument in string format. This argument can be used for informative purpose.
302          * @public
303          * @memberof sap.Push
304          * @function resetBadge
305          * @example
306          * function badgeCallback(mesg){}
307          * sap.Push.resetBadge(badgeCallback);
308          */
309     resetBadge: function (callback) {
310         if (sap.Push.isPlatformIOS()) {
311             sap.Push.call_native(callback, "resetBadge");
312         }
313     },
319         /**
320          * This method updates the application with the new device token in the SAP Mobile Platform server.
321          *
322          * @param {string} [devtok] The device token received from the APNS/GCM device registration.
323          * @public
324          * @callback {function} [callback] The callback function that is called with the registration result.
325          * @memberof sap.Push
326          * @example
327          * function callback(mesg) {}
328          * devToken ="123123213213";//sample device token
329          * sap.Push.updateWithDeviceToken(devToken, callback);
330          */
332     updateWithDeviceToken:  function (devtok, callback) {
333         if (sap.Push.isPlatformIOS() || device.platform == "Android" ) {
334             sap.Push.call_native(callback, "updateWithDeviceToken", [devtok]);
335         }
336     },
338         /**
339          * This method checks for any notifications received while the application was not running in the foreground. Application developer can call this
340          * function directly or register with an event handler to be called automatically. It is ok to call this function evenif the device is not yet registered for push notification.
341          * @param {function} callback The callback function that receives the notification. The callback function will receive a string as it's argument. This string will contain the notification message send from the server intact.
342          * @memberof sap.Push
343          * @example
344          * function processBackgroudMessage(mesg){
345          *  
346          * }
347          * function checkBackgroundNotification() {
348          *     sap.Push.checkForNotification(processBackgroudMessage);
349          * }
350          * document.addEventListener("onSapLogonSuccess", checkBackgroundNotification, false);
351          * document.addEventListener("onSapResumeSuccess", checkBackgroundNotification, false);
352          **/
354     checkForNotification: function(callback) {
355         if (sap.Push.isPlatformIOS() || device.platform == "Android" ) {
356             sap.Push.call_native(callback, "checkForNotification");
357         }
358     },
360         /**
361          * This is an internal function, which is called when there is a push notification.
362          * @private
363          **/
364     ProcessNotification: function(message) {
365         if (sap.Push.ProcessNotificationForUser == null )
366         {
367             console.log("No Processing function provided");
368             sap.Logger.debug("Notification listener function is not registered. Register it by calling registerForNotificationTypes","PUSHJS",function(m){},function(m){});
369         } else {
370             sap.Push.ProcessNotificationForUser(message);
371         }
372     },
373         /**
374          * This is an internal function, which is automatically called when the plugin is initialized. Used only for android.
375          * @private
376          **/
377     initPlugin: function(callback) {
378         if ( device.platform == "Android")
379         {
380             args = [];
381             exec(
382                  callback,
383                  function(){ sap.Logger.debug("Plugin Initialization","PUSHJS",function(m){},function(m){}); } ,
384                  'SMPPushPlugin',
385                  "initPlugin",
386                  args);
387         }
388     }
390     };
393     /**
394      * Local private variables
395      */
396     module.exports.RegisterSuccess = null;
397     module.exports.RegisterFailed = null;
398     module.exports.ProcessNotificationForUser = null;
399     /**
400      * Enum for types of push notification.
401      * @enum {number}
402      * @private
403      */
404     module.exports.notificationType = {
405         /** Disable all notifications */
406     NONE: 0,
407         /** Set badge count on app icon */
408     BADGE: 1,
409         /** Play sounds on receiving notification */
410     SOUNDS: 2,
411         /** Show alert on receiving notification */
412     ALERT: 4
413     };
418     document.addEventListener('deviceready', module.exports.initPlugin, false);