Fee Type Use Case Configuration

Use cases provide a set of requirements for processing financial transactions, such as merchant payments, bill payments, or commission settlements. A fee-type use case configuration identifies the fee type, based on organizational unit and payment instrument for both the payer and the payee. A use case is linked to one or more fee types.

Fee Type Use Cases

Field Description
Use Case Use case to which the fee applies.
OrgUnit Payee Organizational unit of the payee.
OrgUnit Payer Organizational unit of the payer.
PI Type Payee Indicates that the fee applies only to transactions in which the payee's payment instrument is of this type.
PI Type Payer Indicates that the fee applies only to transactions in which the payer's payment instrument is of this type.
Fee Type Fee type that applies to the transaction.
Payee Fee Indicates whether the fee must be paid by the payee or the payer.
Sub Txn Type Subtransaction type to which the fee is applied.
Copy from Auth Indicates whether the fee should be copied from the authorization subtransaction.
Include in Limit Indicates whether to use the fee when checking the consumer's limit.