Developing Quick-Start Templates

You can develop custom states to enhance application capabilities, such as integration with existing enterprise systems or cloud services. To demonstrate functionality, include sample applications in state bundles, which appear in the Web UI as quick-start templates that you can import.

  1. Develop custom states and deploy them to SMS Builder.
  2. Develop one or more sample applications that use the custom states.
  3. Export applications to an XML file. An XML file can contain multiple applications.
Note: Each XML file creates one quick-start template. Each custom-state bundle can contain multiple quick-start templates.

Quick-start templates provide commonly used applications that you can customize to meet specific customer needs. You can also create a quick-start template that includes a group of applications to meet a specific functionality, for example, a mobile wallet.

  1. Copy application XML files to META-INF/sample/template.
  2. For each XML file, create a dynamic template plug-in.
  3. Redeploy the custom-states bundle to SMS Builder.
The Quick-Start Templates component appears on the Web UI Dashboard.
Related tasks
Creating Applications from Templates