getStateAttributes() method

Returns all the attributes (input and output) specified in the state.


abstract Attribute[] getStateAttributes ()


Input and output attributes specified by the state


For example, the state implementation can be done as follow: 

	// Input Attribute
	private static final TextBoxAttribute inPIId = new TextBoxAttribute("PI_ID", "Payment Instrument Id", false);
	private static final TextBoxAttribute inOutputDateFormat = new TextBoxAttribute("OUTPUT_DATE_FORMAT", "Override default output date format", true);

	// Output Attributes
	private static final OutputAttribute outAcctNumber = new OutputAttribute("PI_BANKACCT_ACCTNUMBER", "Account number");
	private static final OutputAttribute outHolderName = new OutputAttribute("PI_BANKACCT_HOLDERNAME", "Account holder name");

	private static Attribute[] stateAttr = new Attribute[] { inPIId, inOutputDateFormat, outAcctNumber, outHolderName};

	protected Attribute[] getStateAttributes() {
		return stateAttr;

Input and output attributes specified by the state