Importing Application Configuration Profiles

You can import an Application Configuration Profile project from a JAR file.

  1. Select File > Import > Mobile Application Framework > Import ACP from a JAR file.
  2. Specify the JAR file to import, or click Browse and select it.
    Mobile Application Workbench (MAW) analyzes the file and recommends a name and version number for the project. The list contains all the versions with which the specified JAR file is compatible. If the Runtime-Version attribute is set in the JAR file's MANIFEST.MF file, that version number is marked with an asterisk in the list.
  3. Keep the recommended project name, or enter another name.
  4. Keep the recommended version number, or select another version from the list.
    MAW converts the JAR file to work with the specified Mobile Application Framework variant. If there are unrecognized files and folders in the JAR file, the import wizard asks you to specify how to import each unrecognized item. Possible actions include:
    • Ignore – the file/directory is not copied into the new Application Configuration Profile (ACP) project.
    • Import as-is – the file/directory is copied to the same location in the ACP project as it exists in the JAR file. This typically results in validation errors in the project, because such files are known to violate the folder structure. You can use this option when you want to quickly import the JAR file, and plan to move files to their correct locations later.
    • Import into ‘ext’ – the file/directory is copied into the ext directory, which can contain any file type. The directory hierarchy relative to the root of the JAR file is preserved when copying.
    To set an action for all files and directories at the same time, select the action from the bottom of the list.
  5. Click Finish.
    MAW creates a new ACP project with all relevant contents from the JAR file.