Agentry OpenUI API

Learn about the Agentry OpenUI API, which provdes the interface to support development of custom controls to display within the Agentry Client. Review the concepts and general procedure, then use the OpenUI API for your target platform.

The Agentry Toolkit installation includes zip files that contain the OpenUI API components for each supported platform, by default located in SDK_HOME\AgentryToolkit\OpenUISDK. Supported platforms include Android, iOS, and Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). Developers can use this API to create custom controls using the native language (Objective C, Java, Visual Basic, C#, and so on) of the target device client and to display those controls within the detail screens of the mobile application.

The API enables you to override and display the custom control for any field edit type of a detail screen field in the Agentry Client. The API supports communication between the control and the client, including information about changes to the underlying field, data capture in the custom control, and other similar interactions.

Before beginning development, be sure to follow the setup instructions for the native development platform.