FieldAdapter.TouchQueryHandler interface

Interface for allowing Open UI controls to handle nested scroll events correctly.


public interface TouchQueryHandler


All members of TouchQueryHandler, including inherited members.

Modifier and Type Method Description
public boolean isOnBottomEdge() Checks if this view is scrollable and if so, if it is scrolled as far down as possible.
public boolean isOnTopEdge() Checks if this view is scrollable and if so, if it is scrolled as far up as possible.


Adapters may add an object that implements TouchQueryHandler as a tag with key This tag should be added to the view returned by getView(). For performance reasons, Agentry only checks for this tag during layout passes.

This is handled on a per-view basis, so some views can scroll while others do not. Child views are handled independently from their parents.

Failure to include such a tag can result in limited scrolling ability. Some default behavior will handle basic scrolling of ListViews, ScrollViews, etc. but any custom views which need to handle motion events will need to include this tag.