FetchSession class

The FetchSession class encapsulates the processing involved in a fetch.


public class FetchSession extends Session


All members of FetchSession, including inherited members.

Modifier and Type Constructor Description
public FetchSession(String, Server, SessionData, User) Construct a new session.
Modifier and Type Method Description
public void beginClientExchange() This method is called by the server prior to the "Client Exchange Steps" within the fetch are executed.
public void beginFetchObjectRead() This method is called by the server prior to the execution of the "Object Read Steps" for the fetch.
public void beginFetchRemoval() This method is called by the server prior to the "Removal Steps" within the fetch are executed.
public void beginServerExchange() This method is called by the server prior to the "Server Exchange Steps" within the fetch are executed.
public void endClientExchange() This method is called after the "Client Exchange Steps" for the fetch have been successfully completed.
public void endFetchObjectRead() This method is called after the "Object Read Steps" for the fetch have been successfully completed.
public void endFetchRemoval() This method is called after the "Removal Steps" for the fetch have been successfully completed.
public void endServerExchange() This method is called after the "Server Exchange Steps" for the fetch have been successfully completed.
Inherited members from Session
Modifier and Type Member Description
public final void debug(String) Write the given message to a debug log, if debugging is enabled.
public String getName() Returns the name of the session, as configured in the Agentry application.
public Server getServer() Returns the Server singleton object that the Java system connection is currently using.
public SessionData getSessionData() Returns the session data for this session.
public User getUser() Returns the user for this session, if any.
protected Session(String, Server, SessionData, User) Construct a new session, and save each of the arguments so that they can be retrieved later via the getName(), getServer(), getSessionData(), and getUser() methods.
protected Session(String, Server, SessionData) Construct a new session, and save each of the arguments so that they can be retrieved later via the getName(), getServer(), and getSessionData() methods.
public void sessionAborted() This is called if the session is aborted (e.g., by an exception).


In brief, a fetch is the component of the application that defines how data is synchronized with the back end system. It is made up of steps (which are implemented by the Steplet class in the Java system connection), each of which perform a specific task related to the synchronization process. These steps are organized into groups within the fetch for specific areas of the data synchronization. These areas include the "Object Read", "Client Exchange", "Server Exchange", and "Removal" steps.

This class contains methods to perform actions before and after each of these groups of steps. The default implementation of these methods in the AJAPI perform no additional specific actions. A designer can extend this class if special processing is required before or after each of these groups of steps are processed. If this class is extended, the Server class must also be extended and its createFetchSession() method must be overridden to return the designer implemented subclass of the FetchSession class.