MAFDialog and MAFDialogWithProgressBar

The MAFDialog control extends the capabilities of the native control. MAF adds styling capabilities to the Dialog UI component.

To create and present a default SAP style instance of MAFDialog, use:
OnClickListener listener = new OnClickListener() {
                        public void onClick(View v) {                             

MAFDialog d = new MAFDialog(this);
           d.setPositiveButton("Yes", listener);
           d.setTitle("A very long dialog");

The MAF skinning engine customizes the dialog.

This is the XAML content for the default style of the Dialog TargetType:
Style TargetType="Dialog" Key="DefDialog" platform="android">
                 <Setter Property="Background" Value="#ffffffff" />
                 <!-- dialog background color -->
                 <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="#ff000000" />
                 <!-- dialog text color -->
                 <Setter Property="Separator" Value="#ff00a3d7" />
                 <!-- dialog separator line color -->
           </ Style > 
You can define three buttons on the MAFDialog: a positive button (Save, OK, Yes), a neutral button (Cancel, Ignore), and a negative button (Do not save, No).  Use the setter methods to set the display text and a callback listener for the onclick event for each button. The listener is a standard android.view.View.OnClickListener. This example sets all three buttons:
d.setPositiveButton("Yes", positiveListener);   
d.setNegativeButton("No", negativeListener);   
d.setNeutralButton("Cancel", neutralListener); 
MAFDialogWithProgressBar is an extension to MAFDialog that shows a progress dialog with an optional text. It does not extend the standard progress dialog class, but provides an analogous API. To create MAFDialogWithProgressBar, use:
MAFDialogWithProgressBar dialog = new MAFDialogWithProgressBar(ColorApp.this);                             
        dialog.setMessage("Dialog Text");                            ; 
You can inherit the style definition from the standard dialog and create a flavored one:
<Style TargetType="Dialog" Key="FilterDialog" BasedOn="DefDialog" 
                 <Setter Property="Separator" Value="0" />
                 <!-- dialog separator line color -->
Create button from code:
MAFDialog d = new MAFDialog(this, ”flavorName”);       
MAFDialogWithProgressBar dialog = new 
MAFDialogWithProgressBar(ColorApp. this,”flavorName” ); 
You can change these properties in the skinning XML:
Background Dialog background color. Colors are defined as RGBA (red, green, blue, alpha).
Foreground Dialog text color.
Separator Dialog separator line color.