Kapsel Development

Kapsel is a set of SAP® plugins for Apache Cordova.

Apache Cordova provides a suite of APIs you can use to access native capabilities. The Cordova container provides JavaScript libraries that give you consistent APIs you can call the same way on any supported device. Beginning with Apache Cordova 3.0, the Cordova container is simply a holder in which any APIs and extensions are implemented as plugins. Apache Cordova includes a command line interface for managing Cordova applications and the application development process.


Kapsel leverages the Cordova application container and provides SAP plugins to make the Cordova container enterprise-grade, allowing it to more seamlessly integrate with SAP Mobile Platform Server. The Kapsel plugins provide capabilities like application life cycle management, implementation of a common logon manager and single sign-on (SSO), integration with SAP Mobile Platform Server-based push notifications and so on. Since Kapsel is implemented without modifying the Cordova container, it is compatible with anything else you develop with Cordova.
