Adding the Required MAF Dependencies

Before you add MAF styling and extensibility, you must add the required static libraries and headers to the project.

  1. Organize the required bundles, libraries and public headers in a logical folder structure. This tutorial follows this format:
    			\<component name>
    				- *.bundle files
    			\<component name>
    				- *.h files
    				\<component name>
    					- *.a files
    				\<component name>
    					- *.a files
    				\<component name>
    					- *.a files
    				\<component name>
    					- *.a files
  2. With universal libraries, you need not create the folders that reflect the platform name and the build style. A universal binary includes both the simulator and device versions of the library (also known as a fat library). An organized structure lets you easily locate the dependencies, and you can use environment variables, such as "${PROJECT_DIR}/target/libs/${BUILD_STYLE}-${PLATFORM_NAME}/" within the Xcode.
  3. This approach automatically sets the correct path for the library whether you compile for a device or simulator, and in release or debug mode. For example, if your application is built for a device in release mode, this path: "${PROJECT_DIR}/target/libs/${BUILD_STYLE}-${PLATFORM_NAME}/" becomes: <path_to_app_folder>/Extensibility Test/target/libs/Debug-iphoneos
  4. You need these resources in this step:
    • MAFUIComponents headers
    • library (libMAFUIComponents.a)
    • bundle (MAFUIComponents.bundle)
    • MAFExtensibility headers
    • library (libMAFExtensibility.a)
Here this example adds only the dependencies required for setting up the project. Later on it will add additional libraries (for example, to fetch and parse OData streams). Note that Adding the Required Dependencies includes the complete library listing and additional details.