Amounts with Currency

You can format amounts with currency in different ways.

This example formats the amount (decimal and thousands separator) based on the current locale and places the Euro sign accordingly:
<!—Currency -->
<UIElement type="label">
  <P pid="text" value="1234.56" />
  <P pid="width" value="75%" />
  <P pid="margin_bottom" value="5%" />
  <P pid="halign" value="center" />
  <!--Currency Formatter Input Pattern Definition -->
  <Format type="currency" pattern="?" platform="iOS">
  <!--Currency Code -->
    <P pid="currencyCode" value="EUR" />
The amount and currency code can be transported from the database along with the BO as shown here:
<UIElement type="label">
  <!—Amount comes from the BO -->
  <P pid="text" value="{$CRMOpportunities.EXP_REVENUE}" />
  <P pid="style" value="CThinLabelWithLightGreyBackground" />
  <P pid="valign" value="top" />
  <P pid="halign" value="left" />
    <!--Currency Formatter Input Pattern Definition -->
  <Format type="currency" pattern="?" platform="iOS">
  <!--Currency Code comes from the BO -->
    <P pid="currencyCode" value="{$CRMOpportunities.CURRENCY}" />
Related concepts
Date and Time
Phone Number
Custom Formatter