Tile Bindings

The binding section describes the business objects that feed data to the tile’s UI. You must provide the binding definitions at the beginning of the layout XML.

To define a binding in the layout XML, use:
<Binding bindingId="LeaveRequests">
      <P pid= "boType" value="LeaveRequestCollection" />
      <!— Add further binding parameters here -->
The binding definition has a unique ID. Each binding can have several parameters, which are documented in the XSD schema. Some of the most frequently used parameters include: For additional parameters, see the extensive documentation in the XSD file. This tile definition contains a reference to the binding previously defined:
<Tile tileId="LeaveRequestList">
     <P pid=”title” value= "{$_i18n.leaverequestlist}"/>
     <BindingRef ref="LeaveRequests" />
<!— further details skipped for brevity -->
By default, bindings are resolved at runtime by the framework, but you can add custom control logic to manage the model for specific tiles.