SAP Companion Developer Tools

Developers can use SAP companion developer tools to deploy mobile applications to SAP Mobile Platform


AppBuilder is an integrated development environment that you can use to create HTML5 mobile applications using predefined application templates. It uses a simple drag-and-drop interface that leverages UI5 controls, and facilitates quick and simple deployment of your mobile application.

You can use AppBuilder to create Adobe Cordova projects, in which you can develop mobile applications using predefined application templates included with AppBuilder. A WYSIWYG form designer enables you to design the application form interactively, and the data source wizard lets you connect to the data source for the application and bind it to the controls on the form. When finished, you can deploy the application to Kapsel on SAP Mobile Platform Server or to a local Cordova application package.

Gateway Productivity Accelerator

Gateway Productivity Accelerator (GWPA) is an Eclipse-based development tool provided by SAP to enhance the SAP NetWeaver Gateway offering. However, it can also be used to create OData models and for service consumption by HTML5 and native applications that are deployed through SAP Mobile Platform. GWPA features a graphical OData Model Editor that obtains user actions and data in order to generate code for OData models and service metadata, and access to the Service Catalog for an overview of all existing services. GWPA also includes service consumption toolkits that contain environments, patterns, and templates suitable for developing and delivering SAP solutions for specific platforms.

Find more information about GWPA on the SAP HANA Cloud Documentation site.