Connection Failure

When a connection fails, look at the logs to troubleshoot connection and validation errors. To ensure that the log captures events, turn on debug mode.

This is a sample from a log in detail mode.

[RS_to_JMS]: 2013-01-15 02:07:53,243 [INFO] [REP.RepAdapterImpl]: Starting Connection RS_to_JMS.
[RS_to_JMS]: 2013-01-15 02:07:53,245 [INFO] [JMS.JMSQueueClient]: Starting the JMS Queue Client.

[RS_to_JMS]: 2013-01-15 02:07:53,250 [INFO] [JMS.JMSQueueClient]: JMS Client is configured successfully to be able to send event(s) to queue: 
Queue1 for provider jnp://localhost:1099.

[RS_to_JMS]: 2013-01-15 02:07:53,250 [DEBUG] [REP.RepAdapterImpl]: Successfully established client connection.

[RS_to_JMS]: 2013-01-15 02:07:53,252 [DEBUG] [REP.RepMetaConnection]: 
Executing query: >>>> select dbname from rs_databases where dsname = 'TEST_DSI_NAME'

[RS_to_JMS]: 2013-01-15 02:07:53,252 [DEBUG] [REP.RepMetaConnection]: Got the new instance of SybDriver

[RS_to_JMS]: 2013-01-15 02:07:53,470 [DEBUG] [REP.RepMetaConnection]: Got a RSSD connection to URL: 
jdbc:sybase:Tds:replinuxb20:9545/REP_RS_ERSSD?SQLINITSTR=set quoted_identifier off Login: REP_RSSD_prim

[RS_to_JMS]: 2013-01-15 02:07:53,472 [DEBUG] [REP.RepMetaConnection]: Executing query: >>>> 
select distinct rs_objects.objname, rs_subscriptions.subid, rs_objects.objid, rs_objects.phys_tablename,  rs_objects.deliver_as_name, 
rs_objects.dbid, rs_objects.phys_objowner from rs_repdbs, rs_subscriptions, rs_objects where 
((dsname = 'TEST_DSI_NAME' and dbname = 'fakename') and rs_repdbs.dbid = rs_subscriptions.dbid and rs_subscriptions.type 
< 8 and rs_subscriptions.objid = rs_objects.objid)  union select distinct rs_objects.objname, rs_subscriptions.subid, 
rs_objects.objid, rs_objects.phys_tablename,  rs_objects.deliver_as_name, rs_objects.dbid, rs_objects.phys_objowner from rs_repdbs, 
rs_articles, rs_subscriptions, rs_objects where  ((dsname = 'TEST_DSI_NAME' and dbname = 'fakename') and rs_repdbs.dbid = rs_subscriptions.dbid 
and rs_subscriptions.type > 8 and rs_articles.articleid = rs_subscriptions.objid and rs_objects.objid = rs_articles.objid)

[RS_to_JMS]: 2013-01-15 02:07:53,479 [DEBUG] [REP.RepMetaConnection]: Executing query: >>>> select * from rs_columns 
where objid = 0x0100006500000065 order by colnum

[RS_to_JMS]: 2013-01-15 02:07:53,480 [DEBUG] [REP.DataServer]: A new RepListener was added to the RepEventStream.

[RS_to_JMS]: 2013-01-15 02:07:53,480 [DEBUG] [REP.RepEventStream]: Added a Listener without RequiredGroup option

[RS_to_JMS]: 2013-01-15 02:07:53,480 [DEBUG] [REP.RepEventStream]: RepAdapterListener requires parsing and meta-data formatting.

[RS_to_JMS]: 2013-01-15 02:07:53,480 [DEBUG] [REP.DataServer]: A new listener is added to the stream object.

[RS_to_JMS]: 2013-01-15 02:07:53,481 [DEBUG] [REP.ReplicateDB]: Created the dsi (.ser) file : /replinuxb20-1/users/repconnector/

[RS_to_JMS]: 2013-01-15 02:07:53,481 [DEBUG] [REP.RepMetaConnection]: Executing query: >>>> select dsname, 
dbname from rs_databases where dsname = 'TEST_DSI_NAME' and dbname = 'fakename'

[RS_to_JMS]: 2013-01-15 02:07:53,482 [DEBUG] [REP.DataServer]: Put the DB connection to the Hashtable of ReplicationDBs.

[RS_to_JMS]: 2013-01-15 02:07:53,482 [DEBUG] [REP.RepMetaConnection]: Executing query: >>>> select distinct 
rs_objects.objname, rs_subscriptions.subid, rs_objects.objid, rs_objects.phys_tablename,  rs_objects.deliver_as_name, 
rs_objects.dbid, rs_objects.phys_objowner from rs_repdbs, rs_subscriptions, rs_objects where 
((dsname = 'TEST_DSI_NAME' and dbname = 'TEST_DB') and rs_repdbs.dbid = rs_subscriptions.dbid and rs_subscriptions.type 
< 8 and rs_subscriptions.objid = rs_objects.objid)  union select distinct rs_objects.objname, rs_subscriptions.subid, rs_objects.objid,
 rs_objects.phys_tablename,  rs_objects.deliver_as_name, rs_objects.dbid, rs_objects.phys_objowner from rs_repdbs, rs_articles, 
rs_subscriptions, rs_objects where  ((dsname = 'TEST_DSI_NAME' and dbname = 'TEST_DB') and rs_repdbs.dbid = rs_subscriptions.dbid 
and rs_subscriptions.type > 8 and rs_articles.articleid = rs_subscriptions.objid and rs_objects.objid = rs_articles.objid)

[RS_to_JMS]: 2013-01-15 02:07:53,488 [DEBUG] [REP.RepMetaConnection]: Executing query: >>>> select * from rs_columns 
where objid = 0x0100006500000066 order by colnum[RS_to_JMS]: 2013-01-15 02:07:53,491 [DEBUG] [REP.RepMetaConnection]: 
Executing query: >>>> select * from rs_columns where objid = 0x0100006500000067 order by colnum

[RS_to_JMS]: 2013-01-15 02:07:53,492 [DEBUG] [REP.DataServer]: A new RepListener was added to the RepEventStream.

[RS_to_JMS]: 2013-01-15 02:07:53,492 [DEBUG] [REP.RepEventStream]: Added a Listener without RequiredGroup option

[RS_to_JMS]: 2013-01-15 02:07:53,492 [DEBUG] [REP.RepEventStream]: RepAdapterListener requires parsing and meta-data formatting.

[RS_to_JMS]: 2013-01-15 02:07:53,492 [DEBUG] [REP.DataServer]: A new listener is added to the stream object.

[RS_to_JMS]: 2013-01-15 02:07:53,492 [DEBUG] [REP.ReplicateDB]: Created the dsi (.ser) file : 
Related tasks
Setting the Logging Level to DEBUG for the RepConnector Runtime Component
Setting the Logging Level to DEBUG for Each RepConnector Connection