Running a Sample Implementation

Compile and run the sample, and include the repraconn.jar file in your CLASSPATH.

Include the repraconn.jar file in your CLASSPATH.
A sample implementation,, is in the RepConnector installation sample/client directory. To run the sample:
  • On Windows, enter:

    java- classpath.:%REPRA_HOME%\lib\repraconn.jar:
    %REPRA_HOME%	\lib\dom4j-full.jar
  • On UNIX, enter:

    java- classpath.:$REPRA_HOME/lib/repraconn.jar:$REPRA_
    HOME/lib/dom4j-full,jar UseXMLBuildertest.xml

The result:

Output of multiple update db events in a single transaction:
         <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  dbStream xmlns:xsi=""
   <tran eventId="00001001">  
   <update schema="authors">
     <cell name="au_id" type="CHAR">0001</cell>
     <cell name="address" type="VARCHAR">1 Sybase</cell>
    <cell name="au_id" type="CHAR" operator="=">0002</cell>
    <cell name="address" type="VARCHAR" condition="AND"
    operator="=">3 Sybase</cell>
    <delete schema="authors">
       <cell name="au_id" type="CHAR">0001</cell>
       <cell name="address" type="VARCHAR">1 Sybase</cell>
     <cell name="au_id" type="CHAR" operator="=">0002</cell>
     <cell name="address" type="VARCHAR" condition="AND"
     operator="=">3 Sybase</cell>

Output of multiple dbevents in a transaction:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

   dbStream xmlns:xsi=""
 <tran eventId="00001002">  
   <update schema="stores">
     <cell name="au_id" type="CHAR">0002</cell>
     <cell name="address" type="VARCHAR">1 Sybase</cell>
 <exec schema="storesProcedure1">
     <cell name="au_id" type="CHAR">0002</cell>
     <cell name="au_id" type="CHAR">0002</cell>

Output of a stored procedure:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   dbStream xmlns:xsi=""
   <update schema="storesProcedure1">
     <cell name="au_id" type="CHAR">0002</cell>
     <cell name="au_id" type="CHAR">0002</cell>