RepraClient Interface

A RepraClient interface example.

package com.sybase.connector.repra;

public interface RepraClient
     *configures the sender properties and connects the sender/receiver of the
     *target messaging system.
     public void configureClient() throws Exception;

     *send out the rep messages to the connection. 
     *@param String repmsg the text stream of the XML document containing
     *the metadata and replication event.
     public boolean sendEvent (Object repmsg) throws Exception;

     *return true if the connection is healthy.
     public boolean isReady();

     *close the client connection.
     public void close();

     *sets the default logger
     public void setLogger (RaLogger log);

Sample Implementation for RepraClient Interface

package com.mycompany;

import com.sybase.connector.repra.RepraClient;
import com.sybase.connector.repra.logging.RaLogger;

public class SampleClient implements RepraClient
     BufferedWriter _fout;
     String _filename = "myCustomOut.dat"

     // This method creates an instance of the BufferedWriter object
     public void configureClient() throws Exception
          _fout = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(_filename, true));

     // You can do whatever you want in this method.
     // This sample appends the String value of the message to the file. 
     public boolean sendEvent(Object repmsg) throws Exception
          _fout.write(repmsg.toString(), 0, repmsg.toString().length());


          return true;

     //It returns true if the client channel is ready.
     //Otherwise, it returns false. 
     public boolean isReady()
          if (_fout != null)
               return true;
          return false;

     // This method closes the client channel.
     public void close()
          if (isReady())
              catch (Exception ex)

     // This method sets the default logger. In this sample, it
     // does nothing.
     public void setLogger(RaLogger log)