Compiling the Customized Message Generator

Compile the generated customized message generator.

  1. Change to the location of your message generator:
    • On Windows:

      cd C:\work\custom
    • On UNIX:
      cd /work/custom
  2. Use the Java compiler to define the -classpath parameter with the required libraries to compile the customized class. For example:
    • On Windows:
      md customclasses <enter>
      c:\jdk7\bin\javac -classpath .; <AppServer_install_dir>\repra\lib\repraconn.jar
      -d customclasses com\mycompany\
    • On UNIX:
      mkdir customclasses<enter>
      /usr/jdk7/bin/javac -classpath
      -d customclasses
  3. If the compilation command finishes without any error messages, go to the customclasses directory, and verify that MyMsgGenerator.class exists in com\mycompany on Windows, or com/mycompany on UNIX.
  4. If MyMsgGenerator.class is not in com\mycompany, or if the compilation finished with errors, review the design.