APIs for a Customized, Wire-Format Message Generator

The APIs (embedded in the base class MsgGenerator) that you can use to build a custom TIBCO AECM Message Generator retrieve information from the RepEvent object.

MClassRegistry getClassRegistry()

Returns the current MClassRegistry object.

String getOwner(int elementAt) throws Exception

Retrieves the owner name of the replication event, when extending the base message generator com.sybase.connector.repra.tibrv.MsgGenerator.

          System.out.println("Owner of the table : "+getOwner(0));

String getProperty(String key)

Returns a string value with the given key from the properties file defined as the AE Configuration file of the connection configuration. Returns a null value if the key is not found.

String getProperty(String key, String defValue)

Returns a String value with the given key from the properties file defined AE Configuration file of the connection configuration. Returns the defValue if the key is not found.

setProperties(Properties props)

Sets the current properties with the input Properties object.

Properties getProperties()

Returns the current properties.

M-Tree createMInstance(Object repmsg) throws Exception

Builds the M-tree for the TIBAECM client and returns it. The MPublisher sends out this M-Tree object to MSubscribers.