Configuring the RepConnector for Messaging Systems

Before validating RepConnector connection, you must configure your RepConnector environment, and restart your application server. This enables you to ping the messaging system to verify that it is configured correctly.

If you do not configure your RepConnector environment before configuring the RepConnector connection, RepConnector Manager allows you to create the connection even if the ping fails. However, you must still verify the connection once you have created the RepConnector environment.

Note: You can skip this task if you are using JBoss HornetQ JMS or WebLogic JMS.

To set the environment for the messaging system, modify the %REPRA_HOME%\bin\repra_env.bat file on Windows, and $REPRA_HOME/bin/ file on UNIX , where %REPRA_HOME% or $REPRA_HOME is the RepConnector installation directory.